Gvokx of the Sephiroth of God, the child of God, the Gvokxyiel Aucifvr Vaus, who is God’s warhead voice artist of the universe vs. chaos. Ergo I am that I am the chaos of god, who is Gvauspehiroth! Amen. --->:D>GVOKX<
Gvausephiroth’s VR World OR Virtual Reality world 3D or 3-dimensional Sephiroth. The world tree of God, the Kabbalah magick symbol for God’s tree formation of his 10 divine names.
This is a VR thematic persona photograph poster motion graphic gif.
The animatically graphic poster gif is zooming in & out with the ken burns technique lense effect cropped & composed together with 3 selfie/3 still-image photos with motion graphic overlay compositions in the light of myself in the persona mode of Gvausephiroth.
This is multi-layered with typeface illustration portraits as type as image with visual motion graphic illustration designed poster gif.